On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 10:59:18AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Enrico" == Enrico Forestieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Enrico> On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 06:39:39PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> Enrico> wrote:
> >> I think this cygwin-without-cygwin stuff is becoming stranger and
> >> stranger.
> Enrico> cygwin-without-cygwin? what's that? ;-)
> Isn't the point of this thread to support compiling with cygwin
> -mnocygwin and (perhaps separately, I am not sure anymore) to have a
> binary that can either be cygwin-based or not depending on the phase
> of the moon? It may be that I missed the point, but I think we should
> keep things simple.

No, you got it wrong. This for the real cygwin target.

> The interesting part, of course, is proper support for real cygwin,
> which you address in your other message.

I always had addressed real cygwin. I have never spoken of problems
related to build a native LyX with cygwin (cygwin-without-cygwin).
In some other thread I mentioned it only to say that building it
that way I see no problems related with gettext/libiconv as opposed
to what seems to happen using mingw.


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