On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 12:34:36PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Enrico" == Enrico Forestieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Enrico> I beg your pardon, next time I'll check more closely
> Enrico> quotations.
> No problem, I would be more useful if I actually manage to understand
> how cygwin stuff should work.

I already tried to tell how I think it should work. I am going to
summarize here my thoughts from a cygwin pov only.

In Windows either a native or cygwin-based TeX engine can be used.
This means that paths written in .tex files should have either a win-
or posix-style depending on the TeX engine used (note that this is
also true for the native version of LyX, which is otherwise unusable
with the cygwin-tetex).

The configure script already has the ability to detect the TeX engine
and it sets the boolean \cygwin_path_fix_needed accordingly.
When it is true, we are using a native TeX engine.

So, a os::latex_path function is needed (other than os::internal_path
and os::external_path) to convert paths going to .tex files in the
right format.

As cygwin is posix conformant, os:internal_path and os::external_path
could be noop functions as it is for *nix. BUT: if one uses miktex,
most probably also has other native apps which would be unusable
because they don't understand posix. Now, given that cygwin apps have
no problems with either win- or posix-style formats, it is reasonable
that both os::internal_path and os::external_path return pseudo win-style
paths (I mean paths with forward slashes, but with a prefixing drive
letter and a colon).

However, if one uses tetex, most probably has all cygwin-apps and it
is better that both os::insternal_path and os::external_path return
posix-style formats.

My patch does exactly this. The user cannot customize os::latex_path
because that is the configure script job. However, he can decide if
is version of LyX/Cygwin behaves as if it was a native win32 app or
not as regards the paths used elsewhere.

How things currently work:
- The configure script makes its guess about \cygwin_path_fix_needed.
- Every path used externally to LyX has the format dictated by the
  configure guess, irrespectively of whether it goes written into a
  .tex file or not.
- The user can subvert the configure guess by a checkbox.

So, currently LyX behaves as a native or posix app based on the

My patch tries to polish things, separating the case of "path for latex"
by that of "path for external use".


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