>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Ridderström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Christian> Here is a better solution (assuming that you can write to
Christian> $LYXDIR/doc) cd $LYXDIR # i.e. to .../share/lyx wget -r -P
Christian> doc -nh -nH -k -p -R '*\?*'
Christian> http://ev-en.org/wiki/moin.cgi/LyxWikis

Christian> this will create a snapshot structure of all the wikis in

Christian>     $LYXDIR |-- doc | `-- wiki | |-- img | `-- moin.cgi
Christian> (here's where the actual wikis are)

Christian> and you don't have to post-parse the files since wget does
Christian> that at end for you (I think it's the switch -P combined
Christian> with -k that fixes this).

What I had in mind is more complicated: I wanted to get the output as
a .lyx file... 

OK, how could I get the text version of a given entry, say LyXFAQ? I
can see it when pressing 'edit', but I don't sem to be able to
download it. The format seems simple enough that it could be
translated to latex or to lyx. I would think such a tool already
exists, but the moinmoin page is not very helpful in that respect. I
have to admit that this wiki thing is kind of new to me.


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