On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 05:28:30PM +0100, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> Hi
> As you (ought to) know, I've more or less arbitrarily been writing 
> down some of the questions and answers I've seen on the user's list here:
>       http://ev-en.org/wiki/moin.cgi/LyxFAQ


> separately from FAQ.lyx, and if FAQ.lyx is (ever) updated, this entire FAQ 
> ought to be checked for questions that should go into FAQ.lyx, instead of 


Quick historical remark, Christian:

When I originally created FAQ.lyx (during the Great Doc Rewrite of
'96), my idea was that *FAQ.lyx* would be one of the two
"moving-target" members of the docs.  It would shift, change,
rearrange as needed and as things moved out of the FAQ into the

My suggestion to you, therefore, would be to do all of your editing in
your own version of FAQ.lyx and  generate your text FAQ via
ASCII-export.  You can then submit your FAQ.lyx modifications to the
DocTeam (what's left of it, anyway) so that someone with CVS access
can commit it after an editorial once-over.

John Weiss

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