>>>>> "chr" == chr  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

chr> Would it make sense if LyX could be used together with sort of a
chr> "wiki"? For instance, what if a "wiki page" actually is a
chr> LyX-document stored on a server, and LyX users can:

That would be great, but seems a bit complicated...

chr> Anyway, I have a feeling that as it is right now, the wiki pages
chr> are better for collaborative editing of information, whereas LyX
chr> is better for creating individual documents.

chr> Right now I'm therefore more interested in deciding what
chr> documentation is better of as .lyx-files, and what kind of
chr> information that is better off as wiki pages.

That's why I advocated having only the FAQ on the wiki. But I may be

chr> * Link to another part of the same document (this we have
chr> already, right?) 

Yes, but this means using a reference that will appear in the
printout. This is not like an hypertext reference.

chr> * Link to another document? 
chr> * Link to another part inside another document?

We do not have these, and it is a pity.


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