Bill Simpson wrote:
> BIBINPUTS is set correctly to /home/wsimpson/papers/bib.  This directory
> contains vision.bib and stats.bib.
> In my document I am using the Natbib package and so my preamble is:
> \usepackage{natbib}
> \bibliographystyle{apa}
> I created my own apa.bst and put it in /home/wsimpson/papers/bib
> (The "standard" apa style is not correct)
> I put each citation in the text TeXed, e.g.
> \cite[]{Simpson:1994}
> At the end of the paper I inserted via
> Insert->Lists & TOC ->BibTex Reference
> and put in the box Database: vision,stats
>                    Style: apa
> Well when I do view dvi
> - each ref is (?) in the text. e.g. NOT Simpson(1994).
> - No Reference list appears at the end.

As Jean-Marc already mentioned, you should set the 
variable also.
To find the problem, have a look at the bibtex logfile. It should be
somewhere in your tmp-directory (/tmp in my case). If you type
find /tmp -name \*blg
you should get a list of all logfiles. Have a look at the newest one.
They are quite informative, especially they tell you what bibtex can't
PS: The standard way in as mentioned in the UserGuide worked fine with
me as soon as both BSTINPUTS and BIBINPUTS were set (and exported)
Eckhard Hofmann           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fakultaet fuer Biologie
Universitaet Konstanz
Box M656
D-78457 Konstanz, Germany
Phone: voice: +49 7531 88-2211   fax: +49 7531 88-3183

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