Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Maybe, it depends if you can give me a real cause ;). Just telling I don't
> like it and not saying what you don't like or how you would like things done
> is not very helpfull.

Ok, *my* frustration with tables:

1. Table size. It would be very nice if the table would default to the 
size delimetered by page's margins.

2. Many glitches. For example, right clicking on a cell and selecting
Width sometimes didn't have any effect. I had to specify "10cm"
several times (clicking "Close", then right-clicking on the cell again 
showed nothing in the "Width" field, until after several
repetitions). Also, in some cells I cannot turn on Linebreaks for no
apparent reason (grayed out).

3. Table alignment. My first table is indented about 7cm from the
left. I tried selecting the whole thing, going into Layout>Paragraph,
and chosing "Left" alignment, and even "No indent", and none of this
cured the problem (the table is still indented too much). BTW, a
second table just below the first one was aligned differently by
default (a little less, but still too much), and I couldn't find a way
to make them line up on a page. Then at one point they aligned at the
same distance on the left, but aligning them on the right took
deliverate experimenting with column sizes, to produce the same total

Note, that I have a table wih 2 columns 3cm and 7cm, and below it a
table with 10 columns 1cm each. Shouldn't they match in size? ;^) But
the whole point is that such alignments should happen automagically in 
WYSIWYM approach, and I hate to spoil the experience by having to
specify hard sizes of the table. :^(

It would be nice to be able select the whole table and give it
Centered, Left, Right etc alignments.

4. I would like to be able chose horizontal and vertical alignment of
text within a cell. Right now I was not able to achive centered
vertical alignment of a word in a long cell (it aligned at the very
top by default). Maybe I just don't know how to do it? ;^)

5. If I hit C-Return in a cell, it creates whitespace in the LyX view,
which is impossible to get rid of (it doesn't appear in the output,
alright, but it is frustrating and messes up relative vertical
alignment of text in the columns of the same raw.


But generally speaking, it took me forever, and the two tables still
don't look the way I would like them to. :( If it would be helpful, I
could email you or post the file with them (there's nothing else in
the file). It might visualize what I'm talking about.

I have to comment that so far I have had a *great* experience with LyX 
with formatting regular text, headers, bibliographies, footnotes,
tables of contents etc. I'm hooked on it now -- that's why it's even
more painful that I am not able to achieve smth with my new favorite

I hope you take my post as an attempt to be useful, not as a
whine. ;^)
Arcady Genkin
"It seems as though I had not drunk from the cup of wisdom, but had
fallen into it." (S. Kierkegaard)

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