On 08-Sep-99 Michael Hanke wrote:
>> You're right with this vertical alignment is not possible yet! If someone
>> explains me how to do this in raw LaTeX I could add some support, but only
>> in the upcoming 1.2 version!
> Maybe, I can help here: the array package as explained in the latex
> companion sect 5.3 can be a solution.

Ok (I've all the documentation, but sometimes I'm a bit lazy to look
into it ;). The vertical alignment can be realized also with the actual
lyx version. Go into the Extra-Options and insert for the column (or
the cell if it is a multicolumn-cell) the option m{n} f.ex. m{10cm}
and now this cell has a verticall middle alignment.

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60                        Tel:    +39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen                         Fax:    +39-0471-970042
ITALY                                 Web:    http://www.sad.it/~jug

Ask not for whom the telephone bell tolls...
if thou art in the bathtub, it tolls for thee.


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