Thank you very much! I'll do as you suggest.


On Wed, 10 May 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Ramon" == Ramon Diaz-Uriarte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ramon> Thank you very much for the help anyway. Any suggestions as to
> Ramon> where I can try to find an answer to this, or what I could try?
> Ramon> I have tried copying parts of the dvips and files
> Ramon> used by the Linux machines at the University (with not
> Ramon> changes). Would if be worth to reinstall LaTex, and try
> Ramon> specifying some other printers?
> Try to send a message to the comp.text.tex newsgroup. This is where
> knowledgeable people are. It is probably better to ask in a pure tex
> context (let LyX be out of the equation, since it probably does not
> matter). Give as many details as possible.
> JMarc

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