> > Any thoughts by Devs on if this is a real problem knowing that us
> > users can't be believed?
> What's with the sarcasm? It doesn't tend to get one help.
I have had a great deal of experience in trying to convince developers of
problems.  It is not sarcasm, just statement of fact.  Devs do not believe
me until I prove it to them or they experience for themselves.  That's
understandable.  Something they might do say if the followed my "Schorched
Earth" instructions on a Win 10 box with latest updates.  Or if they were
performing test cases as Win 10 and MikTeX updates rolled out.  Likely
people do not believe me as my street cred on the internet super highway is
below some threshold as determined by some AI deep inside the bowels of
AWS.  I don't take it personally... recommend do same with my comments.

Then I get I don't have access to a Win 10 box or we can't run test cases
for every potential unknown problem... I get that... alot.  How about for
known problems like say the ones in the list archives are full of, are
there test cases for these?  Are they run and tested... and looked at
before release?

Then in comes that LyX and MikTeX combo and variant use cases are too broad
and all cannot be tested... yep there is certainly a chaos tree fan-out on
the problem of all the ways it can be used and abused.

Yes the exact failure method is unknown. Maybe it is windows update,
possibly MikTeX update or install,  maybe LyX or installer not flipping
some bit to make Windows completely satisfied, could be gremlins, or
planetary alignment.

Say have you tried installing LyX (latest) and MikTeX (Latest) on Windows
10 Pro/Enterprise/Home (latest) and running the crazy use case of compiling
the default article.cls to see if it generates a PDF or article.cls
appearing as "Unavailable" like I have been reporting problems with?  Then
switching LyX to Admin mode as experiencing how it then works?

There is active problem detection and reactive bug detection.  Having just
installed latest on latest windows build I am sensing a reactive approach
to finding problems.  The argument could come... well how are we to know if
a new version of windows or MikTeX breaks the system.  Possible answer:
automated build and test continuous integration system.

> Anyway, yes, permission problems can be an issue on Windows, especially
> with MikTeX, which is part of why we have stopped bundling it with LyX
> itself.
Well that seemed to solve the permissions problem right?  sigh.  I used
these until the were no longer supported as I though they were more likely
to work as the combo must have been tested together.

> Obviously, if it was working and now isn't, then something changed.
> Whether that had to do with some update involving MikTeX is hard to say
> without more information. But contrary to what someone said here, MikTeX
> has an annoying habit of updating itself in the background and breaking
> things. We've seen it time and time again. The list archives are full of
> such problems.

Yes it was working and now it is not.  Likely as I stated due to some
windows update that rolled out best I can tell.

More information?  How about trying a fresh install of latest everything on
a Windows 10 box with all the updates?

I am running latest 1903 on win 10 box and again just checking if LyX can
see article.cls in Document->Settings causes problems.

Agreed on MikTeX

Are "list archive problems" transmogrified into test cases?

> It could be something else, too, involving Windows itself. Again, hard
> to know without more information, but one possibility is that the
> environment in which LyX is being run is somehow wrong. We've seen cases
> in which it works when launched from a terminal, but not when launched
> via the icon.
One could argue that Windows 10 is a wrong environment by definition ;-) ,
but seriously I do think it appears to be win 10 updates breaking LyX and
MikTeX interaction again best I can tell.  That's not meant to imply that
LyX has a problem, but rather the carpet got swiped out from underneath it
by Windows changing or now enforcing permissions or possibly changes by

I have a work around and I am continuing on with that.  Debugging my
systems via email I would think would be a horribly inefficient way of
finding the problem vs just checking out latest builds on an up-to-date Win
10 box (or VM) of your choosing and seeing if what I am saying is
happening.  There appears at least one other person in this thread to is
experiencing same as I am. We cannot be, for long, isolated cases.

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