Le 14/07/2019 à 20:46, Brian Davis a écrit :
I have had a great deal of experience in trying to convince developers of problems.  It is not sarcasm, just statement of fact.  Devs do not believe me until I prove it to them or they experience for themselves.

Let's cut to the core of the issue : we have presumably many Windows users, but no developer who principally uses windows. We know about the problem and are trying to attract some (Jürgen WS, are you readning this ;).

Besides this, I would say that this days the team is composed of 10 people, who have a variable amount of time to spend for LyX; We can add to that 2 or 3 non programmers really committed to help (and who do help).

So, while we do have automated testing to check that code compiles, that document import/export works in as many situations as possible, while we do run our code though static analysis code to detect bugs, there are holes in the racket.

One of this holes is being able to help users when some particular situation makes his/her box behave differently from others. And, yes, on this front we are pretty much in reactive mode. This is all we can afford.

That's understandable.  Something they might do say if the followed my "Schorched Earth" instructions on a Win 10 box with latest updates.  Or if they were performing test cases as Win 10 and MikTeX updates rolled out.  Likely people do not believe me as my street cred on the internet super highway is below some threshold as determined by some AI deep inside the bowels of AWS.

It did not cross my mind that people do not believe you. The issue is more that your system does not work like other systems work, and we need to see what is the point that is different. The fact that you see this issue on many different systems where you install suggest to possibilities to me: 1/ there is something special at you site (network drives, weird proxies, whatever) that lead to the issue
2/ you install in a creative way that does not work

Either way, we have to determine what the actual problem is in order to fix it.


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