On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 09:32:41 +0530 wrote kars175 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I had typed a simple latex file using my class file and the compilation to
> dvi worked perfectly. 

This is nice and narrow the error search field.

> So why wouldnt lyx work. Has anyone else tried using
> new cls and layout files inthe lyx version 1.1.6.

Yes I have (and with success) (lyx1.1.6fix3).

Maybe there is an error in the *.layout file? Sometimes this happened to me
and I wondered until I started LyX from a terminal window and saw the error

To tackle down the problem, we need more precise information: 

  What errors do appear?
  Do you see the class in the Layout->Document->Doc-classes list?
  Do new environments apprear in the Paragraph-Style list (on the
  toolbar) (in case the new layout defines some)?
  Does the file open? What errors do you get opening?
  What errors do you get compiling?



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