On Monday 29 April 2002 22:15, Mate Wierdl wrote:
> Lately, I received emails such as
> "I received a lot viruses from the lyx users list, and now my
> windows partition is ruined."
> I am truly sorry to hear this, but:
> --- The virus _never_ originates from my server (the server is a
> Linux server, and there are no other users but lyx (me)).  The
> path of a virus is either:
>     -- virus is directly sent to the list
And is spread to many many users by lyx-users list. 
As much as I know, I am no lawyer, according to european union law 
you are resposible for spreading viruses and dont use available 
techniques to prevent this. 

>     -- virus is sent to one of the subscribers, and then sends
> itself to every address in the subscriber's addressbook. Since
> the lyx list is in the addressbook, the list receives the virus.
And again ist spraed to all lyx-users list members

> --- If you want virus prevention via filters, you may want to
>     implement it on your end.  It is much less riskier than
>     implementing it on my end.  Indeed, I do not know of any
> filters that would not do false positives.
HHmmm, may be you should contact Mr Hendrik Vogelsang, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . He is the maintainer of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>     If you implement it, make sure the message containing a virus
> is not bounced back to sender but simply discarded.
> --- I certainly want to make list participation as pleasant as
> possible but I feel no responsibility of any kind if "your hard
> drive is ruined".  Indeed, I do not see why it is my
> responsibility to protect you from viruses; I am not your ISP.
But you ar th maintainer of a mailing list which spreads viruses to 
a lot of users, which may not be as professional as you are. Due to 
my experience a lot/most users are not familiar with system 
administration. Especially Windows users.

> Viruses are just one of our problems: spam is the other.  I can
> safely say that the only way to tackle both if we implement one
> of the two methods I described in my previous email.  So we have
> to make the usual choice between security and convenience.
Most of the spam mails was coded as HTML mail which could be 
blocked. Up to now I have not seen any spam mail going over this 
list which was not HTML coded.

Sorry, but I have to disagree.
Lyx List is the only one I know which don't filter theese 
Most list maintainers dont allow attachments and HTML mailings.
Tools which allow a precise filtering of those trash can be found at 
freshmeat and savannah.

Even under the aspect of decreasing unnecessary trafic which wil go 
over a mailserver its a _must_ to use such tools.

btw. As a network administrator I wil not allow incoming mail from 
such a "security leak" as LyX-users list and would block all 
incoming trafic from LyXusers list.

Pardon me if my posting sounds rude to you but I am not a native 
english speaker. :-)

I believe almost all users subscribed to this list would accept a 
strict filtering of attachments and HTML mail. I dont know anyone 
who uses this or will not be able to participate using plain text 


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