At 3:15 PM -0500 4/29/02, Mate Wierdl wrote:
>Lately, I received emails such as
>"I received a lot viruses from the lyx users list, and now my
>windows partition is ruined."
>I am truly sorry to hear this, but:
>--- The virus _never_ originates from my server

What follows is my personal opinion; I think I'm qualified on this 
subject since I have 5 years experience of directly running a 200+ 
person mailing list, 2 years of helping run a 1500+ member/12-list 
site, and several years in IT.

Technically it did come from your server, because you don't implement 
any kind of virus protection or attachment blocking; I have emailed 
viruses with the headers to prove they came through your box.

   At this point, we need action, not finger pointing and "It's not my 
problem."  It IS your problem.  YOUR list is getting used to send 
viruses to YOUR list members.  It is exactly your attitude that makes 
this whole problem even worse; yeah, it's not our platform, yeah, 
people should run antivirus software...but you're in denial if you 
think ignoring it is going to solve anything.

   It's equivalent to paramedics saying, "well, guns shouldn't be 
made, bad people shouldn't have guns, and besides, since lots of 
people DO have guns anyway, others should be wearing bulletproof 
vests if they want to go around in public.  So, don't call us if 
someone gets shot, it's not our's the fault of the guy 
who got shot because he wasn't wearing a vest."

You've got three choices, given that Windows users are here to stay 
and there are plenty of Windows users who don't run antivirus 
software, who use Outlook(some don't have a choice, so don't get high 
and mighty on 'em), etc.

-dump all attachments before they go to the list management 
software's alias.  "demime" is one good script for doing so, very 
easy to install.  Attachments shouldn't be allowed on large lists 
anyway; this isn't the development list, so attachments are simply 
not necessary nor appropriate, particularly in this day and age where 
webservers are dime a dozen.  People should never send attachments, 
they should reference URLs.  99% of the attachments that drift by 
have absolutely no use to me...and posting attachments is completely 
useless to people reading the archives a week, month, year later. 
URLs, if they link to some place stable, at least have a fighting 

-run antivirus software.  amavis is one package, but it acts only as 
an interface to a scanner(see  Some products, like Trend 
Interscan, already have mail scanning capabilities.  No Linux/unix 
virus scaning engines are available for free, non-personal use, 
however.  None of the good ones result in false positives(NONE.  I've 
used Trend for 2 years now and NEVER had a false positive.)

-give the list to someone who will handle the issue instead of 
pointing fingers and dismissing the issue.


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