On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 02:56:53AM +0300, Robin Turner wrote:
> Two problems here.  While I prefer plain text mail, some people have email 
> accounts which insist on sending as HTML (sounds stupid, but this issue has 
> come up on a number of lists).

Well, I run a mailing list myself, which *bounces* all HTML mail, and
nobody has complained.  If they are unable to to prevent their mail
being sent as HTML then *tough*.  They should get a better mailer, or
maybe they might actually RTFM, that could possibly help.

> The 
> second problem is with filtering attachments - it's frequently useful on a 
> list of this type for people to be able to attach LyX files.  Filtering out 
> certain types of attachments (e.g. .exe, .bat) would of course be useful.

I agree with this, though.  This is one of the few mailing lists I'm on
where attachments are perfectly appropriate.

As for SPAM-prevention, though, the only solution I've managed to find
is that no posts are allowed by non-list-members, and all first posts
must be moderated -- this works because Spammers tend to be hit-and-run;
join a group, post one spam, get kicked off.  Post-approvale is added
work, though, and I can understand if the list-admin doesn't want to do

Kathryn Andersen
"I am not TRYING to tell you anything. I am simply not interested
in attempting to compensate for your amazing lack of observation."
                -- Orac         (Blake's 7: Stardrive [D4])
 _--_|\     | Kathryn Andersen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.katspace.com>
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