TechTonics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm surprised Html view works for you for Cygwin because I
> think (thought) it was LyX not the Cygwin or Win configuration.

The problem is that LyX calls htlatex with a full path and does not
change the current dir to the dir containing the file to be converted.
Please find below two scripts "htlatex" and "htlatex.bat". The first
one is for Cygwin and you can put it in /usr/local/bin. The second
(less refined ;-)) one is for a native LyX and should be put somewhere
in the PATH ahead of the miktex bin dir (<LyXDir>/latextools is a good
choice). You should now have no problems with View->Html ;-)


--------8<-------- htlatex --------8<--------
# This is a wrapper script for LyX/Cygwin to let LyX use the native
# Windows' version of htlatex which is part of MikTeX.
# 2006-08-31 Enrico Forestieri
# =======================================================================

# The program to call (This should be in the PATH)
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
    case "$1" in
        -*)   prog="$prog $1"
        *)    dir=`dirname "$1"`
              file=`basename "$1"`
              prog="$prog \"$file\""

[ -n "$dir" ] && cd "$dir"
eval "exec $prog"

--------8<-------- htlatex.bat --------8<--------
@echo off
set drivename=%~d1
set pathname=%~p1
set basename=%~n1
cd %pathname%
htlatex.exe %*

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