On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 08:28:38 -0400, Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What's the best way to put an Inkcape drawn drawing into LyX?

There are a couple ways to do this that will probably get you where you want to go.

First, you can change the DPI settings in the export dialog in Inkscape--I think the default is 90dpi, which is passable for screen resolutions but otherwise unacceptable. If you're going to be printing the document, I'd set it at at least 300 (which will increase the filesize considerably, unfortunately). 600 is better.

Second, you could save the file as another type, like EPS; LyX may be able to import this directly (it's been awhile since I've tried; I usually use pdflatex, and I think that it won't import EPS files). If it cannot, you can open the EPS file in something like the Gimp, which will allow you to specify the resolution when you open the file; you can then export it to any LyX-compatible format.



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