Thanks for your response.
I updated my layout file to read:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[authesis]{article (authesis)}
Format 4
# Input general definitions
Input article.layout

and I tried kpsewhich authesis.cls in the terminal.  the response was
the location of the file.  I noticed that when I tried texhash,
terminal told me that it was not writeable, so I tried sudo texhash
and it gave me the same response as kpsewhich.  I still get the same
error message in LyX.

I don't under stand your last recommendation:
What I'd suggest is to try to run the reconfigure directly from
/users/username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/. I.e., open a
terminal, go to that directory, and then run "python
/path/to/". If you can't figure out where that file is,
someone else will know. Anyway, you'll get more helpful error messages

do i open terminal, type in the location of the class file?  i.e.
/users/username/library/texmf/tex/latex/authesis/  or the location of
the layouts: username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/layouts .
and then I type "python/path/to/" in terminal? when I
tried this, it said -bash ... doesn't exist

thanks so much for your insight.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:45 PM, rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Martell wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I've been having a lot of trouble installing a new class for LyX with
>> my mac.  I am hoping to use LyX to write my doctoral dissertation.  I
>> am trying to install the thesis class for my university, authesis.cls.
>> I have followed the directions, I believe, but am not getting the class to
>> work.
>> I have placed these files (authesis.cls, aucas.clo, aut10.clo,
>> auecon.clo) in this location:
>> users/username/library/texmf/tex/latex/authesis/
> OK, this is a very silly question, but did you replace "username" with your
> username?
> rh
>> i have placed a layout file (authesis.layout) at this location:
>> username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/layouts
>> The layout file reads:
>> #% Do not delete hte line below; configure depens on this
> Typos. I don't think they matter, though.
>> # \DeclareLaTeXClass[authesis]{article (authesis)}
> You might need a format tag here, viz:
>   Format 4
>> # Input general definitions
>> Input
> I'd try Input article.layout instead, and get the whole thing.
>> After doing this, I open terminal typed "texhash"
> Try "kpsewhich authesis.cls". If you don't get a sensible response, then TeX
> hasn't found it.
>> and then quit terminal
>> I went to LyX, reconfigure and i get an error message that says, "The
>> system reconfiguration has failed. Default textclass is used but LyX
>> may not be able to work properly. Please reconfigure again if needed."
>> I close LyX, start it again, and then if I go to Document, Settings, I
>> do not see the authesis in the document class menu(and the number of
>> classes I have listed is now much smaller than before i tried to
>> install this class).
> That's because of the reconfigure failure.
> What I'd suggest is to try to run the reconfigure directly from
> /users/username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/. I.e., open a
> terminal, go to that directory, and then run "python /path/to/".
> If you can't figure out where that file is, someone else will know. Anyway,
> you'll get more helpful error messages then.
> rh

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