Thanks again.  I took your advice.  I located  I opened
terminal, typed:
# cd /tmp/



Then, I opened LyX, and tried to reconfigure.  I got the same error
message that the configure did not work.  Is it of interest that if I
go to, Tools->Tex Information, I see authesis under the list of

I really appreciate your help so far!  thanks, mike

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 9:19 PM, rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Martell wrote:
>> Thanks for your response.
>> I updated my layout file to read:
>> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
>> #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[authesis]{article (authesis)}
>> Format 4
>> # Input general definitions
>> Input article.layout
>> and I tried kpsewhich authesis.cls in the terminal.  the response was
>> the location of the file.  I noticed that when I tried texhash,
>> terminal told me that it was not writeable,
> That's normal, since texhash wants to update lots of files, some of which
> you wouldn't be able to write.
>> so I tried sudo texhash
>> and it gave me the same response as kpsewhich.  I still get the same
>> error message in LyX.
>> I don't under stand your last recommendation:
>> What I'd suggest is to try to run the reconfigure directly from
>> /users/username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/. I.e., open a
>> terminal, go to that directory, and then run "python
>> /path/to/". If you can't figure out where that file is,
>> someone else will know. Anyway, you'll get more helpful error messages
>> then.
> When you hit Tools>Configure, what it actually does is run the
> python script and write a bunch of files to your user directory. One of
> these, for example, is textclass.lst, which contains a list of all the
> layout files finds and some information about them. You can run
> this script from outside LyX, and that's what we want to do.
> But we have to run it from your user directory, that is, from where
> is, since the file will write the next textclass.lst to the
> directory from which you run it.
> That said, you CAN run it from anywhere, and since we're just debugging you
> can run it from /tmp/, and then it won't actually change any of your files.
> What we want is error messages right now.
>> do i open terminal, type in the location of the class file?  i.e.
>> /users/username/library/texmf/tex/latex/authesis/  or the location of
>> the layouts: username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/layouts.
> For now:
> # cd /tmp/
> but for real:
> # cd "username/library/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/
> That ought to be where textclass.lst lives.
>> and then I type "python/path/to/" in terminal? when I
>> tried this, it said -bash ... doesn't exist
> Type:
> # python /path/to/
> where the "/path/to/" part is replaced by the actual path to I
> don't know what that is on your machine, because I'm not on Mac. (On my
> machine, it would be: /usr/local/share/lyx/, but this probably
> isn't right for you.) But maybe you can try:
> # locate
> I don't know if locate is available on Mac, though.
> I'm cc'ing Bennett, as he knows about Mac stuff.
> rh

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