On Sat, 25 Oct 2008, Christian Ridderstr?m wrote:

> Interesting question... how many such documents have been written using LyX?
> I've written something like 10-20 documents (not counting presentations
> created with LyX). If ten documents is a typical number, and LyX has hundreds
> of users, we'd be talking about thousands of documents prepared with LyX.

On my main work station I have 291 lyx documents I created (not including 
all my "newfile" tests). This includes over 20 newsletters, around ten 
books, many letters, company sales proposals, slide show presentations, 
training courseware, but also includes some backups and old versions of 
same documents. I have some documents on other systems too. I have been 
using LyX since at least 1999. It has been tricky to configure many times 
-- but it has served me well and saved much time many times.

  Jeremy C. Reed

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