ask2 wrote:
I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is if
the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunaltely that never is the

So am I just stupid or is there a way to get really high quality pdf from

Yes. Make sure the default font is not a bitmap font. Unfortunately, the
default font is a bitmap font. You must change it.

So, go "Document->Settings->Fonts" and choose something else instead of
"standard". There is "Latin Modern" if you like the look of the
standard font on paper, but want nice pdf. Or select something else
like Times Roman, Palatino, . . .

To avoid making this change for every document, save it as the new default.

Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
suitable for that.

That took care of the text, now for the images. What exactly is the
problem with your images?

If you draw something, make vector graphics rather than bitmaps, if possible. If you need screenshots, use png. Never jpeg, jpeg is only
for photos.

I gues it means that I need ttf or otf fonts in the pdf?

I think I asked this 5-6 years ago but it seems nothing has changed :(

Nothing much need to change. Have been making quality PDFs for more than 5-6 years. All you need is to know a few things, such as changing from the default font. Most software has a few things you need to know, and you can find it out on this mailing list if you want to.

Soooo back to Microsoft Word again :(

Whatever you like. You'll be harder pressed making quality PDFs with word though.

Helge Hafting

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