Am 03.09.2010 14:06, schrieb Evan Mason:

The TeX system on Linux should be TeXLive and TeXLive comes with a
graphical interface to install LaTeX-packages. So after putting the cls-
and sty-files to tex/latex/agutex you should be able to use the TeXLive
package installer GUI to refresh the filename database of TeXLive.

I checked and I seem to have tetex, though texlive is available.  I am using
Mandriva 2010.0.

tetex is no longer under development since 6years so better use TeXLive (after you submitted your paper.).

I have a 25-page article prepared for JGR, I wrote it using article class.  I
have run into a few minor problems with the conversion to agutex.

1. Some of the authors have accents in their names, I had written them as {\'a}
etc, but these now appear as blank spaces.

This is a bug in the agutex.cls file. Can you please report this to the agutex developers because the agutex documentation states that it should work:

As a workaround you can put the character within a \textrm command as in the attached example. The result is unfortunately not perfect because the characters within \textrm will appear a bit too small. (Increasing the size one leavel leads to too large characters.)
This is another bug of agutex's \authors command.

2. 'galley' mode works fine, but in 'draft' mode my figures don't appear;the
float appears with the the path and figure name printed, but no figure.

But thats the idea of the draft mode - getting a quick preview of the document without images.

3. I'm also struggling with the 'Latex error, floats lost' warnings.  I have
about 20 figures which previously were embedded in the text, but agutex.layout
wants me to have all the figures at the end.  I've read that the way to avoid
the 'floats lost' warning is to put a Clear page every few figures, but do far
this is not working.  I have tried New page between every figure and this still
doesn't work.

That the figures and tables need to be placed at the end is the guideline of agutex. My layout strictly follows the agutex TeX example file:
But I don't get float errors. I guess this comes from your outdated LaTeX system.

Apart from these issues the layout file seems to be good.

OK, then I'll add it to LyX.

regards Uwe

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