On 2010-09-26 17:07, "Pavel Sanda" <sa...@lyx.org> wrote:

> Gregory Jefferis wrote:
>> We use version control (git) + to write papers in the lab.  It works fine
>> but handling merge conflicts is still difficult; the chaps in the lab are
> in one project we 'solved' this via locking. the document could be split
> into childern (=chapters/sections) so multiple people can still work
> simultaneously.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I can see that could work but it does seem a bit
of a blunt instrument.  We would need to change VCS (git has no locking
AFAIK).  But I'll keep it in mind.

>> LyX's track changes plays very poorly with VCS in LyX 1.6.X and this is only
>> partly solved in 2.0.



And in particular my post (+patch) which tries to explain why what has been
implemented for Lyx 2.0 is still fragile:


In brief, if you have a document under version control and two users turn on
track changes, then their changes will get confused in both 1.6.X and 2.0.
In 2.0 this can be avoided if the first user pushes (in git terminology) and
the second under pulls before the second user turns on track changes.
However in practise this will often be violated (e.g. when you ask all
co-authors to edit/comment on a given draft).  

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