On 24 September 2010 12:41, Richard Heck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Still, I have to agree with Rob that doing this at the level of each
> program just seems wrong in principle. Having some very generic
> client-server model, where the program's display could show up here there
> and everywhere, and the program could take its input too from various
> sources, that would be much more general and much more useful.
I think TeamViewer and similar products (DimDim, Webex) allow this use case
without any change.

TeamViewer is even available for MacOS and Linux, and there is a free

Basically, they are all screen-sharing applications, with some kind of
communication features (phone-in, IM, VoIP, webcam chat). Control can be
given to any participant, in a format similar to VNC. Setup is usually
trivial (starting a program and giving-out your IP address).

I have used Webex and TeamViewer for this and other collaboration tasks and
it is truly useful.

Best regards,

Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux, ing. jr (OIQ)
Electrical engineering masters student, ETS (http://www.etsmtl.ca)
Project AREXIMAS (http://areximas.etsmtl.ca)

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