On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Rob Oakes <lyx-de...@oak-tree.us> wrote:
> The download from Ubuntu was probably a debug build. These are much
> larger than the release build. You might want to contact the Ubuntu
> project and let them know that the build is much larger than expected.
> Liviu Andronic manages a PPA with an unofficial build, which might be
> less damaging to your Internet quota
> (https://launchpad.net/~lyx-devel/+archive/release). I'm not sure he's
> added support for Precise Penguin, yet, though.
A version for Precise is available at my experimental PPA [1]. When I
get some positive feedback on the build and/or Precise gets released,
I will move it to the lyx-devel PPA.

[1] https://launchpad.net/~landronimirc/+archive/experimental

> Another idea is that they may have changed the LaTeX dependencies. If
> so, it might be downloading a lot of extra TeX packages that aren't needed.
I am also suspecting that your total download size contains a bunch of
LaTeX dependencies. Else, see Rob's comments.


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