
I'm writing KOMA report class document and it behaves weird. In Lyx I have Part 
N and in pdf I get part in Finnish as expected. This is acceptable even I was 
curious if it would translate.
Now I have source code listing. The caption of source listing says in Finnish 
that it is listing (Listaus 1.2:)  in Lyx. In pdf I get caption (Listing 1.2:) 
in English . It's translated wrong direction. It can be anything in lyx when 
I'm editing, but in output it should be correct.

Is this easily fixable and where should I fix it? Document->preferences and 
listings has some options so it would be my guess but I have no idea how Lyx' 
localisation works. I just use it and get desirable output usually.

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

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