I am new to LyX and cannot find the sample files described in the

   Finally, we have written a file called example_raw.lyx to let you

your LYX skills. Imagine that it was typed by someone who did not know

about any of LYX’s great features. As you learn new LYX functions, we will

suggest that you fix those parts of example_raw.lyx. It also contains

hints about how to fix things.2 If you want to cheat, or check what you have

done, there is also a file called example_lyxified.lyx which contains the

same text written and typeset by a LYX master.

   The example files can be found in the examples directory of LYX’s
installation folder. ...

I am using OS X 10.8.5. I first installed MacTex, then LyX,

 into the Applications folder, as prompted. LyX seems to work fine

just do not have these files on my machine.
 Thanks for any help to find them.

Leslie J. Yonce-Meehl

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