Happy New Year to you too. Glad you were able to find the LyX example files
you were looking for.

Spotlight doesn't index inside application bundles, so the Finder search
behavior you describe is normal on OS X. Users normally wouldn't need to be
searching inside bundles; the situation with the LyX example files is an
unusual exception.

-- Rich

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 8:25 AM, justin <justina...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Richard Talley <rich.talley <at> gmail.com> writes:
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm not quite ready to upgrade to Mavericks, but this technique is so
> fundamental to how OS X has worked since the very beginning I can't see
> Apple removing it. My search also came up empty on your issue.
> >
> > Try this instead:
> >
> >
> >
> > Open a Finder window, pull down the 'Go' menu and choose the 'Go to
> Folder...' command.
> >
> >
> >
> > Enter this in the resulting 'Go to the folder:' dialog box (note that
> this
> is case sensitive):
> >
> >
> >
> > /Applications/LyX.app/Contents
> >
> >
> >
> Thank you Richard, your method worked! Also, I discovered something else
> strange so will report it to you in case it helps you guys to
> repair/improve
> the software. With your method I go the folder and contents to display. IN
> that finder window, I can also search for 'example' to fine the file
> example_raw.lyx since there are so many files and folders inside. I can do
> that by choosing to search within that folder. HOWEVER, if I just open a
> usual finder window, and choose to search my whole computer for
> 'example_raw.lyx' or even just 'example', it will not show the file. It
> seems all the contents of the lyx app or folder or whatever it is, are
> somehow invisible to searching, except by the method Richard has detailed.
> Anyway, many thanks to you RIchard and all you nice people who have tried
> to
> help. Very much appreciated :-) May you all have a lovely New Year :-)

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