Yes, VirtualT runs on Linux.  In fact, that what I use predominately since
I really don't like booting Windows (for anything). :)

Oh, and since the subject line is $9 Computer … I really don't understand
how (or even that that can) they can build a Single Board Computer for $9,
even if they are doing it all in China and with large quantities.  I'm a
bit skeptical that they will be able to actually ship to everyone without
having to ask for more money.


On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:16 AM, VANDEN BOSSCHE JAN <> wrote:

> Actually, the computer typically referred to as "Tandy 2000", had this on
> it's badge:
>           Tandy
>          TRS -80
>         Model 2000
>          Personal
>          Computer
> I'd stay away from '1000s when naming a new model T.
> I'd go for the 104, or something, or anything in the 100, as long as we
> keep the 100/102 formfactor.
> Or the Model T2. "teetoo" sounds fun.
> And before naming anything, first we have to have something. ;-)
> That said: is there a version of Virtual T for the Linux OS ?
> Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
> Jan-80             """""
> @ work            ( @ @ )
> Be green, read from the screen!
> From: M100 [] On Behalf Of Steven
> Ranft
> Sent: donderdag 14 mei 2015 16:10
> To: Club 100 Model T
> Subject: Re: [M100] $9 Computer
> Model 2000 ( of the Model T)
> You are correct, there is a Tandy 2000, but it's not a TRS-80 Model 2000,
> and not a TPL
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