I think re-building the Model T might turn out to be more expensive than 
re-creating it with off-the-shelf components.
(but who am I? never having build anything myself)

As for screen, I quote myself.
Apparently, the type of display of the Model T 240x64 is still made.
Eg. from the page 
http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/240x64-graphic-lcd-display-module.html ... take 
your pick!
The following stands out (size, price, colour, ...) 

And someone suggested a Happy Hacker keyboard, I just googled it, looks nice, 
minimal, may be just what we need.

Is the 80C85 still made ?

Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
Jan-80             """""
@ work            ( @ @ )

From: M100 [mailto:m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com] On Behalf Of Marko Peussa
Sent: vrijdag 15 mei 2015 19:20
To: Model 100 Discussion
Subject: Re: [M100] $9 Computer

Has anyone looked the M100/102 from an IP (patent) viewpoint? Most of those may 
have expired, if not all.

Just wondering how much would a 1:1 re-creation cost today. A group of 
Russians(?) reverse-engineered a Nintendo GBA, so anything is possible.

The M100 keyboard and the display might be very difficult and expensive to get 
manufactured today.

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