This may be obvious to he point of insulting, but in case it's not, I
definitely recommend just put the stuff up in github. Several things happen:

* Incremental improvements that ratchet up and accumulate over time.
Someone like me who is NOT up for taking over any big project and couldn't
have designed that circuit or written that code, CAN find what is there,
try to use it, and make specific isolated limited scope improvements. I run
into one thing that I wish was different, and I can figure out how to make
a change to what is already there even if I couldn't have written the
thing. I do it all the time. So do a lot of other people, and those add up
over time and the project as a whole gets more full featured, and/or more
optimized, and/or more bugfixed, and you didn't have to do everything. You
just recieved a patch and looked it over and either accepted it, or
modified it with your own better skill before incorporating it. You provide
the guiding vision and curation to keep it from turning into an unholy mess
of 50 different bad ideas tacked on by 50 different people each with
varying levels of good sense.

* If no one happens to be reading this list right this minute who happens
to be in a position where they are both capable and interested to take over
and persue this particular project in a traditional sense, no problem. Some
other time someone will come along who decides they want to dig into it.
That person may not even have heard of the Model 100 today. But 2 years
from now someone gives them one and they become interested. Or it might be
myself, but 2 years from now. As of today I still barely know how to turn
my M100 on and off! And I have other things that take up my time, so today,
even though I have started playing with these things, it's still not me.
But I like playing with these things and every now and then I play some
more and learn some more. At that time, if the project has been up there on
github all along, I can just start working on it whenever my interest and
ability happens to manifest. And all of that applies to everyone else in
the world who might ever google "model 100", which is many more chances for
someone to pop up and do a lot of cool work on it.

Plus, the very nature of git, with both branches and history, means you can
manage many similar versions of the same idea somewhat cleanly. Based on
different chips, supporting different computers, etc maybe eventually
coalescing back to one very flexable design like how you already have it
supporting both 10x and 200.

You can stay the owner of your own initial repo, and accept and manage
updates that come from others, where you still do some work looking over
and accepting the pull requests, discussing the details with the submitters
to correct bad proposed changes into good ones, etc, guiding development
even if you don't write everything yourself.

And yet, that doesn't mean you have some onerous responsibility either. If
you don't touch it at all for years, no problem. No one else is stuck
because of that. Anyone can fork it and continue development if you are not
doing so. You can also grant one or more other people commit access to your
repo so that deveopment can continue in the one true original project
without forking and without you having to 100% just give it to someone else
to take over and own.

Anyone can also take the cad files from github and use them on oshpark or
other manufacturing services to get pcb's made. You could do that yourself
too of course, but you wouldn't have to. I know you played with oshpark
briefly last year and had a design up there briefly that you later said was
buggy. Even in that bief time had ordered a set and recieved them.

I don't know I feel like this must all be stuff you know already. You can't
possibly be a stranger to open source by now. I'm sorry!

I think my main point was just to point out that it's not really required
for someone to exist right now who happens to be in a position, has both
the interest, and the ability, and has them both at this particular moment,
to take over and further the project. It's super valuable to just make it
available, and people will come along when they come along, and people will
contribute what they can. Maybe small specific things today, maybe major
enhancements some other, unpredictable time. Even just honing documentation
and procedures is valuable grunt work that someone like me is willing to do
when they can't do anything else. And that it's ok if you do that, and
nothing much happens the day after you post it. It has to be sitting there
for people to find, and be there when some new user comes along who wants
to play with it.

Or are you just talking about trying to find someone to produce finished
units to sell? Where you maintain ownership of the IP, and you just add a
partner to build them for you so they become available again without you
having to do it all? That is, let's say less useful, to us users in the
long run, but, still *great* compared to them simply not being available.
So, I would *love* that too. I would be first in line for one, or more than
one depending on what one costs. I mean, the whole idea of rex is just too
slick to waste, where 11 of them got made one time and that's all that ever

Sorry again if I'm teaching grandpa to suck eggs. :)


On Jan 9, 2017 9:23 AM, "Stephen Adolph" <> wrote:

> Anyone on the list interested in ramping up on
> * design of REX
> * manufacturing of REX
> * ongoing development / bugfix for the REX software stream?
> It would take some doing but maybe now is the right time to look for
> someone with the interest, energy and hardware/software skills to take
> over the project.
> comments welcome.
> Cheers
> Steve

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