Another eBay/copyright/attribution flame...

Consider this thread CLOSED.

Bryan you can be 100% right or 50% wrong but the majority of subscribers
don't want the negative defensive overlong rants. I get comments in
complaint on and off list. People are going to interpret your words how
they will. You can't control that but you can control your reaction and the
topics you raise. Copyright stuff and attribution issues are always a
fertile soil for flame wars.

We won't have it here.

Please keep it positive, those are the list rules, and I do enforce the
list rules.

To others upset by the occasional flames... I ask you to consider that it's
not the norm. I take it seriously and I do what I can to keep it under
control. Fires happen but we have a fire department.

One thing I ask, I welcome off list comments any time so I know how members
are feeling. Or you can talk to Steve Adolph or Ken Pettit co moderators
and we will compare notes.  Generally I just see unsubscribes increase but
I really have no way for sure to know what is happening if folks don't tell
me directly.

Thanks and let's focus on the hobby we enjoy.

-- John.

-= Model Ts Forever =-

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