I remember a discussion a year or 2 back about 3D printing them.

Someone posted files on ThingiVerse here -> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3821586

On 3/7/20 4:42 PM, Dave Everett wrote:
On 8/03/2020 8:27 am, Brian K. White wrote:
On 3/7/20 11:22 AM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
hi, has anyone ever come across a supplier today for the ModelT optrom socket, the Molex 8878?
I could use a few new ones.

I scored a load of about 100 of them on ebay a couple years ago. I have been giving them to whoever needs them for any use I consider legitimate like that.

IE, they aren't replaceable, so, I won't just consume them for something dumb, but for repairs of old machines and maybe a small number of programming jigs or something. I gave some to a museum to have in inventory for repairs. If I die and still have 75 of them and someone else keeps them and dies with still having 60 of them, and so they are available for repairs for the longest time possible, and 50 years from now there is still a box of 50 of them... that is my ideal goal.

Hi Brian, I have been looking for one of these to make a basic rom for my PX-8.  Would you be prepared to send one to Australia?

If so lease let me know how much you want including shipping.


Dave Everett

Sydney, NSW Australia

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