> -----Original Message-----
> I’ve had no issues with the WP-2 not keeping up when I type, except when
> inserting text, and that is easily overcome by inserting a CR so that
> insertions are at the end of a line not the middle - then SHIFT-DEL to
> close the space back up afterwards.

Heh, yeah, I use this trick (and on the Model Ts, too).

> One issue with my WP-2 is that when connected to a PC, it can save files
> using TS-DOS, but while it can read the mComm directory, it can’t load
> [...]
> It works just fine both ways with LaddieAlpha on my Mac, though that

IIRC, this is expected behaviour - the WP-2 has a different way of loading the 
directory from a TPDD compared with TS-DOS on an M100, and LaddieAlpha is coded 
specifically to address that, while mComm isn't.

Oh!  I almost forgot to mention something else important about the WP-2 for the 
benefit of Nick (and others who might not be aware): file format.  The WP-2 
saves .DO files, but they aren't the same as the plain text .DO files the Model 
Ts produce.  First thing to note is the end-of-line termination.  The Model T 
series use a CR-LF pair like DOS/Windows machines do, and of course the Unix 
family (yes, Macs too) use a single LF character so you folks are already 
familiar with these issues and the 'dos2unix' and 'unix2dos' conversion 
utilities.  The WP-2 designers went a different direction and terminate lines 
with a single CR character, same as MacOS 9.x and earlier used to.  I'm not 
sure if the MacOS of the 80s influenced the WP-2 designers to go that way or if 
it was for some other reason.

The other (relatively minor) gotcha is that the .DO files have a non-plaintext 
header before the text of the document starts, which contains document 
formatting information (this is detailed at 
http://bitchin100.com/files/wp2/wp2format.html).  You can get around this by 
going to the Files screen and hitting F1-A "Ascii convert" which will turn the 
selected file into a .DA file which will be plain text (but still with CR 
end-of-line termination).  You can then upload the .DA to your TPDD (but as 
soon as you go back to editing it, the WP-2 will turn it back into a .DO).  
Alternatively, you can strip the header (the first 128 bytes of the file) from 
the .DO file after copying it to your desktop computer.  On a Windows box you 
can load it up in Notepad++ and you can fairly easily see where the header ends 
and the text of your document begins.  You'll also need to go to the end and 
strip extraneous text from the Ctrl-Z (shows as SUB in Notepad++) to the end of 
the file.  I use Notepad++ for this because it also has a handy menu option for 
fixing the CR EOL terminators (Edit... EOL Conversion... choose Windows or 
Unix).  I also whipped up a small set of ugly conversion shell script files for 
dealing with this entirely at the Linux CLI (converting from .DO or .DA files 
to plain Unix text, DOS text, and for converting from plain text formats back 
to CR-terminated .DA if you want to load a text document into the WP-2 to edit 
while you're on the go).


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