Just a quick reply, but when troubleshooting serial, I always start slow and work my speed up. Don't start at 19.2k. Start at 300, and work your way up. I've had mixed results across my Model 102/200 machines when I go much past 2400.

Second, not all USB-to-serial adapters are created equal. I work in an industry that still uses serial ports for many things, and I've run across some USB adapters that do not do true 25 volt signaling on RS-232, as defined by the spec. The models Ts expect "standard" voltages and have boost converters to generate them internally. Many USB adapter do not, and just run 5V serial, or boost up to 12, but will not do true RS-232 voltages, which will give you very different results than you are expecting.

But at the very least, start with a much lower baudrate.


On 5/4/21 1:16 AM, Jerry Davis wrote:
Apologies for the long post.  My situation takes a little while to explain.

I have a Model 100 and a Dell Laptop with Windows 10 that I'm trying to use for file transfer from the M100.

The laptop does not have a physical serial port so I'm using a USB to Serial adapter and a DB-9 to DB-25 cable that I've pinned out for RX, TX, and GND.  Software flow control only.  No hardware handshaking.

I've tested the connection between my Windows 10 laptop and the M100 using PUTTY.  I can set the USB Serial port to 19200,N,8,1 with software flow control and then set Term on the M100 to 98N1E.  When I type characters on the Windows 10 laptop, they show up on the M100.  When I type characters on the M100, they show up on the Windows 10 Laptop.  Serial connectivity appears to be good.

I can't run TEENY.EXE from a DOS window on Windows 10, so I've installed VirtualBox and created a VM, installed FreeDOS, and defined my USB serial adapter (COM4) as COM1 on the VM. On the FreeDOS instance, I set COM1 to 19200,N,8,1 using the mode command.  On the Model 100, I set Term to 98N1E.  When I echo text to COM1 on the FreeDOS VM, I see the text displayed on the Model 100.  When I use COM1 as input to the "type" command. I can enter text on the M100 and press CTRL-Z and the text shows up as expected on the FreeDOS VM.  Serial connectivity between the M100 and the FreeDOS VM appears to be good.

When I execute the TEENY.EXE program and enter the BASIC RUN command on the M100 as directed, the result is always "Can't detect laptop".

I've used Term on the laptop to observe what TEENY.EXE is sending and what I get is a BASIC program that looks like:


When this BASIC program executes, what the M100 sends back to TEENY is two characters:  0x00 (ASCII NULL) followed by 0x31 (the ASCII '1').

After that I see nothing happening over the serial connection.  Then TEENY.EXE displays the error message "Can't detect laptop".  I believe that the BASIC program is getting all the way to the last RUN statement and is waiting for TEENY.EXE to send additional code.  But nothing appears to be happening.

I've done some searching in the archive for issues with TEENY just in case my problem has already been solved, but I was unsuccessful.  Could be I'm not looking in the right place.

Is this a known issue with TEENY or perhaps there is something I'm doing wrong?

Many thanks in advance for any assistance!


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