Since "DOS"-based Windows has passed I use DOSBox to run "old" 
software like TEENY, DeskLink and others.
It´ve run TEENY and DeskLink  with different USB2Serial adapters (FTDI, 
Prolific, currently ASIX) w/o any trouble, using just
a 3-wire connection to my M100/102/200 @ 19.2k. Setting up DOSBox takes less 10 
minutes. Currently I run Windows 10 Pro.

Maybe the above is a solution also for you.


========== Ihre Nachricht ==========================================

von      : Justin Poirier <>
gesendet : Dienstag, 4. Mai 2021, 13:20
an       :
Betreff  : [M100] Question on TEENY.EXE

__________ Originalnachricht _______________________________________

> Just a quick reply, but when troubleshooting serial, I always start slow
> and work my speed up. Don't start at 19.2k. Start at 300, and work your
> way up. I've had mixed results across my Model 102/200 machines when I
> go much past 2400.

> Second, not all USB-to-serial adapters are created equal. I work in an
> industry that still uses serial ports for many things, and I've run 
> across some USB adapters that do not do true 25 volt signaling on 
> RS-232, as defined by the spec. The models Ts expect "standard" voltages
> and have boost converters to generate them internally. Many USB adapter
> do not, and just run 5V serial, or boost up to 12, but will not do true
> RS-232 voltages, which will give you very different results than you are
> expecting.

> But at the very least, start with a much lower baudrate.

> --Justin

> On 5/4/21 1:16 AM, Jerry Davis wrote:
>> Apologies for the long post.  My situation takes a little while to 
>> explain.
>> I have a Model 100 and a Dell Laptop with Windows 10 that I'm trying 
>> to use for file transfer from the M100.
>> The laptop does not have a physical serial port so I'm using a USB to 
>> Serial adapter and a DB-9 to DB-25 cable that I've pinned out for RX, 
>> TX, and GND.  Software flow control only.  No hardware handshaking.
>> I've tested the connection between my Windows 10 laptop and the M100 
>> using PUTTY.  I can set the USB Serial port to 19200,N,8,1 with 
>> software flow control and then set Term on the M100 to 98N1E.  When I 
>> type characters on the Windows 10 laptop, they show up on the M100.  
>> When I type characters on the M100, they show up on the Windows 10 
>> Laptop.  Serial connectivity appears to be good.
>> I can't run TEENY.EXE from a DOS window on Windows 10, so I've 
>> installed VirtualBox and created a VM, installed FreeDOS, and defined 
>> my USB serial adapter (COM4) as COM1 on the VM. On the FreeDOS 
>> instance, I set COM1 to 19200,N,8,1 using the mode command.  On the 
>> Model 100, I set Term to 98N1E.  When I echo text to COM1 on the 
>> FreeDOS VM, I see the text displayed on the Model 100.  When I use 
>> COM1 as input to the "type" command. I can enter text on the M100 and 
>> press CTRL-Z and the text shows up as expected on the FreeDOS VM.  
>> Serial connectivity between the M100 and the FreeDOS VM appears to be 
>> good.
>> When I execute the TEENY.EXE program and enter the BASIC RUN command 
>> on the M100 as directed, the result is always "Can't detect laptop".
>> I've used Term on the laptop to observe what TEENY.EXE is sending and 
>> what I get is a BASIC program that looks like:
>> 0O%=PEEK(72):IFO%ANDPEEK(877)THENNEWELSECALL6117+SGN(O%)*311,128,-2469-SGN(O%)*1823:OUT206,17:OUT206,O%:OUT206,PEEK(877):RUN"COM:98N1ENN
>> When this BASIC program executes, what the M100 sends back to TEENY is 
>> two characters:  0x00 (ASCII NULL) followed by 0x31 (the ASCII '1').
>> After that I see nothing happening over the serial connection.  Then 
>> TEENY.EXE displays the error message "Can't detect laptop".  I believe 
>> that the BASIC program is getting all the way to the last RUN 
>> statement and is waiting for TEENY.EXE to send additional code.  But 
>> nothing appears to be happening.
>> I've done some searching in the archive for issues with TEENY just in 
>> case my problem has already been solved, but I was unsuccessful.  
>> Could be I'm not looking in the right place.
>> Is this a known issue with TEENY or perhaps there is something I'm 
>> doing wrong?
>> Many thanks in advance for any assistance!
>> Jerry

__________ Ende Originalnachricht __________________________________

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