On 5/4/21 7:20 AM, Justin Poirier wrote:
Just a quick reply, but when troubleshooting serial, I always start slow and work my speed up. Don't start at 19.2k. Start at 300, and work your way up. I've had mixed results across my Model 102/200 machines when I go much past 2400.

In general yes, but not for this.

TEENY.EXE is hardcoded to run at the same speed as the TPDD which itself is hardwired to run at 19.2k. TEENY.EXE has it's own small delay between each character to dribble the bytes in slow enough even though the serial port is set to 19.2k, and,it uses a BASIC command to read the port raw without any screen updates.

The most likely problem here is that TPDD requires more than just TX/RX/GND.

At the very least, you also need DTR shorted to DSR on the 100 end of the cable. TPDD clients look at DTR.

Ideally, you should really use a fully wired up cable according to this chart, or, just buy one of the cables linked on that page. Those are all specifically wired and actually purchased and tested cables specifically for use between a 100 and a modern pc, be that with a real serial port or a usb adapter. And, at the bottom are likewise some specifically selected usb-serial adapters, and a description of what makes them special.:

Lastly, you have a much better option than TEENY.EXE to install TEENY or TS-DOS onto a 100 from a Windows10 machine these days. If your modern machine is Windows or Android, then you should try mComm:

If your modern machine is linux or mac, then you should try dlplus

Those all have bootstrappers that can install TEENY or TS-DOS or even other things onto the 100.

However TEENY.EXE does still work if you get a dos emulator set up right.

Here is saved some notes about how to run dosbox (a dos emulator on linux) with the serial port config all specified right on the command line so no need to worry about config files.

dosbox -c "serial1 directserial realport:ttyUSB0" .

(note, that " ." on the end is a necessary part of the command)

You just download the dlarc.exe into a directory, run that doxbox command, and from inside that dos window, the C: drive will be the current dir you started in, and you can run dlarc to extract itself and then run teeny.exe.

Lastly... counter to what I said earlier, there IS actually a way to generate a special version of TEENY that doesn't care about DTR, but really, I don't recommend it. But, if you read the full teeny manual, it's in dlarc.exe but I have a copy here:

It does give directions for how to run TEENY.EXE with a couple extra commandline flags that will generate a modified version of TEENY on the 100. But really, it makes no sense to even bother with that. Just make or buy a correct serial cable rather than do that. Not only will it work better, but there is no such special version of TS-DOS, and you want TS-DOS more than TEENY usually.


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