On 5/4/21 10:26 PM, Jerry Davis wrote:
Just an update on how my explorations went today.

First I have to apologize to the group for misleading about the cable. When I took the covers off the cable I built I was dismayed to find that I had connected all control signals as indicated in the documentation. I remembered that I started out to do just a 3 wire configuration but changed my mind and did a full pinout.  So I misinformed you.  I do have a cable in the recommended configuration.

My USB serial cable was producing +/- 6V which is enough to get good TTL transitions on the Model 100 receivers.  I can't check the receivers in the USB cable but I have no problem with TX or RX during testing.

I could not get TEENY.EXE to work for me on DOSBOX.  Could be something odd with my laptop (Dell Windows 10 Pro 64 bit) or USB cable (I don't even know if there's a brand on it).

I cold started the M100 and executed the TEENY.DO text file download from Term.  I loaded that file in basic and ran it.  That seemed to work.  I ended up with a TEENY.CO <http://teeny.co/> file.

I installed LaddieAlpha on my Windows laptop, started it in a Windows command prompt, and gave it the COM port and the number 6 as command line parameters.  LaddieAlpha started up fine with no error messages. But when I attempted to run TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO>, the Model 100 just beeped and returned to the menu.  I couldn't get a prompt from TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO>.  Just a beep and back to the menu.  Maybe something I did wrong.

I cold started the M100 again and installed mComm on my Windows laptop. Then I installed TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO> following the on-screen instructions from mComm.  After the transfer completed I followed the instructions on the M100 and started TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO> and it worked!  I tested a few simple file transfers.  All worked as expected.

I shut down mComm and started LaddieAlpha as I did previously.  I started TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO> on the M100 and it worked!  I tested a few simple file transfers.  All worked as expected.

It appears that the TEENY client install using mComm got things working for me.  I don't know why.  But, YEA!

It has been a lot of fun reading the responses to my question.  I am grateful that all of you took the time to answer back.  Your advice was right on.  I've learned a lot today.

And now you are ready to conquer the universe!

Your first installation via telcom and using laddie as the server was probably fine too actually. That beep and return to menu is normal when you forget to clear. If your machine has 32K of ram installed, then you probably needed to do a "CLEAR 0,62213" in basic before trying to run teeny.co


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