Ah.  Understood.  Thanks for the nudge in the right direction on that.
John mentioned that as well.  Thanks, John.  I cold started and tried
TEENY.DO again with a CLEAR statement afterwards and everything worked.
That was the step I missed.

After working with the new file transfer capabilities on the M100, I like
the injection features of mComm.  But I like the status messages that I get
from LaddieAlpha.  TEENY/LaddieAlpha is perfect for the simple file
transfers I wanted to do.  It worked great getting a bunch of old programs
off tape.  I'm still working through that but having great success, which
is a relief.

I spent a little time with TS-DOS which displays a UI similar to the native
menu on the M100.  And it allows for the creation and use of directories!
I've spent a lot of time on early microcomputers recently and when I saw
that I couldn't help thinking, "Yes!  Directories!  Awesome!".  The things
I take for granted.


On Wed, May 5, 2021, 7:16 AM Brian K. White <b.kenyo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 5/4/21 10:26 PM, Jerry Davis wrote:
> > Just an update on how my explorations went today.
> >
> > First I have to apologize to the group for misleading about the cable.
> > When I took the covers off the cable I built I was dismayed to find that
> > I had connected all control signals as indicated in the documentation.
> > I remembered that I started out to do just a 3 wire configuration but
> > changed my mind and did a full pinout.  So I misinformed you.  I do have
> > a cable in the recommended configuration.
> >
> > My USB serial cable was producing +/- 6V which is enough to get good TTL
> > transitions on the Model 100 receivers.  I can't check the receivers in
> > the USB cable but I have no problem with TX or RX during testing.
> >
> > I could not get TEENY.EXE to work for me on DOSBOX.  Could be something
> > odd with my laptop (Dell Windows 10 Pro 64 bit) or USB cable (I don't
> > even know if there's a brand on it).
> >
> > I cold started the M100 and executed the TEENY.DO text file download
> > from Term.  I loaded that file in basic and ran it.  That seemed to
> > work.  I ended up with a TEENY.CO <http://teeny.co/> file.
> >
> > I installed LaddieAlpha on my Windows laptop, started it in a Windows
> > command prompt, and gave it the COM port and the number 6 as command
> > line parameters.  LaddieAlpha started up fine with no error messages.
> > But when I attempted to run TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO>, the Model 100
> > just beeped and returned to the menu.  I couldn't get a prompt from
> > TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO>.  Just a beep and back to the menu.  Maybe
> > something I did wrong.
> >
> > I cold started the M100 again and installed mComm on my Windows laptop.
> > Then I installed TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO> following the on-screen
> > instructions from mComm.  After the transfer completed I followed the
> > instructions on the M100 and started TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO> and it
> > worked!  I tested a few simple file transfers.  All worked as expected.
> >
> > I shut down mComm and started LaddieAlpha as I did previously.  I
> > started TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO> on the M100 and it worked!  I tested
> > a few simple file transfers.  All worked as expected.
> >
> > It appears that the TEENY client install using mComm got things working
> > for me.  I don't know why.  But, YEA!
> >
> > It has been a lot of fun reading the responses to my question.  I am
> > grateful that all of you took the time to answer back.  Your advice was
> > right on.  I've learned a lot today.
> And now you are ready to conquer the universe!
> Your first installation via telcom and using laddie as the server was
> probably fine too actually. That beep and return to menu is normal when
> you forget to clear. If your machine has 32K of ram installed, then you
> probably needed to do a  "CLEAR 0,62213" in basic before trying to run
> teeny.co
> --
> bkw

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