I guess. But TBACK's ambition was always to be a command line Swiss Army
Knife for file transfer, in the absence of any client software, based on
the RUN"COM:98N1E" magic incantation.

My main point with LaddieAlpha is laddiealpha was meant to be headless. It
sits over there on another machine and runs. Your only interface to it is
TS-DOS or TEENY on a laptop.

Similar I think to Hurd's vision for dl.

You could interactively use it to inject a DO file in a special mode if
such a feature were added. But given many other ways to do it, and it
not being its core mission, I just didn't feel a need to clutter it up. I
may add it eventually just to check off the box though, who knows. Like I
said my preference is to add a full-screen CLI mode to Laddie operable via
TELCOM. Since then I can offer other file operations including bootstrap
with a UI.

For interactive TPDD emulators like mComm, DLPilot, an injector makes
perfect sense to me. The idea is a human operator.

"The telcom way is just simply ridiculous"

I think you're overstating it. It's a nice way to transfer a text file.

LAPTAP.EXE's way is better, you should try that, I think you'll like it.

-- John.

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