Hello everyone,

I'm a new member, out of Belgium, I have a dozen of vintages PCs, I
especially likes laptops. I'm an electronics engineer which helpes for
fixing. Thanks for welcoming me and thanks to whoever created this in the
first place.

I'm trying to make the internal modem of my Tandy/RS Model 102 work again.

I've connected it to a small home phone exchange (pabx) so that I have real
proper vintage phone lines , but the same problem occurs on my home phone
line (which is not PSTN anyway, it's an emulated analog line turn into voip
by a modern cable modem router)

I absolutely wanted to have my own "lab" of proper PSTN lines so that's why
I have my little PABX from the 90s; which gives me the possiblity to
experiment with modems.

My problem is ; my model 102 does not pickup the line.
A regular analog phone does, a good old USRobotics Courrier 56K does, but
the T102 does not.

I have the proper Tandy grey/beige(rather pink now) cable
It's inserted in the right way. My init string (STAT) is starting with M,
for internal modem

If I put a phone on the gray line, and "pink" in the PABX ; i can hear my
PABX's dial tone, until I make the M102 dial, in which case the phone goes
silent (which is normal).

But the PABX doesnt show the line as beeing picked up (a led should turn
red), I can hear the M102 pulse dialing "in the void", but to no end... The
PABX supports pulse dial. I tried 10pps and 20pps.

But it seems the problem is not dialing, it's the actual, i'd say
"electrical" pickup of the line.
It seems either the voltages are not right, or something is not working
like it should.

I tried BASIC with "CALL 21200" (which pickups the lines) you can hear the
relay click, but again, the PABX does not see that as someone picking up a

I have an European M102 (could that be an issue ?) My "phone line" (vintage
PABX) is a european (belgian) one.
However the M102 has been "upgraded" by a REX# v2.0 rom by the previous
owner, that may be an issue (this upgrade was not my doing. I can barely
use REX.) I'm with TSDOS101

It's unclear if, eventually, the modem section could need a repair (recap
or smth)
Another possilbity would be that the tone i'm giving it (440Hz over here)
is not recognized (seems to be 600Hz in the US), but I find this unlikely
this would be software controlled, and my M102 is a Belgian model it even
has the "RTT" (telco of the time) sticker on it

I'm out of ideas.
Any help greatly appreciated

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