
see comments below.  cheers Steve

On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 8:12 AM Cedric Amand <ced...@cedric.net> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> As Stephen already knows, I bought a M100 from someone would did put a
> REX# in it, and i'm trying to get a complete understanding of it.
> I have many questions but let's start with a few
> I see versions of the rex from 4.5 to 4.9, and other versions saying V2.0
> or v2.1
> Do some numbers refer to hardware ?

REX# hardware is different from REX hardware.  The software is not
REX# software is on the REX# page at bitchin100, currently 2.1.
REX software is the old 4.x stream.

> If I use the REXMGR program; the thing says REX#2.0
> Where do I get that" woftare" info ( 4.5 ? 4.9 ?) i think I sasw it once
> but can't reproduce
press I.
you don't want the old software, it won't work on REX#.

> I have a RAM image called "blank". I can't load it, it says "error ram sze
> mismatch"

that is because the image is blank, and you have not actually saved a ram
image to it.

> Again not sure what's the history of my M100. Is that a RAM image I shoudl
> get rid of ?
it is the default, unsaved, ram image.

> It's likely my REX needs an upgrade. I have difficulties finding info
> about how to do that precisely.

you have a REX#.
The instructions are on the REX# page at bitchin100.
I try my best to document what you need to do.


> Final question ; my M100 display Y2K correctly, and I'm pretty sure ot's
> NOT running a rex# version with the software fix. How could I know what the
> previous owner did to an Y2K working like it should ?
All REX# software fixes Y2K without needing to patch your main ROM.

> thanks !

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