I'm most of the way through testing a bug fix release for REX# and REXCPM.
Current load is R2.1 build 19.

New load is R2.2.  Here's the list of changes (see below).
I'll post the upgrade files to the wiki when I am happy it is all looking


  Rel 2.1:  All:  Fix the date display.  Now it is YY/MM/DD. Request
is to change to DD/MM/20YY.  Seems reasonable.
  Maybe a date format toggle control? "D" in REXMGR menu.
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

  Rel 2.1:  M100/T102:  Make display tolerant to "hardware scrolling main ROM".
  Coded R2.2/ Tested

  Rel 2.1:  Interworking with actual TPDD does not work.  Fix pending.
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

  Rel 2.1:  NEC: noticed that, with only one RAM bank installed,
pressing TAB or BANK causes laptop to hang in MENU.
  This should not happen.  Probably affects T200 as well.  Yes it did.
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

  Rel 2.1:  All:  Reduce time on power up before option rom is
switched, to prevent undesired uninstall of option rom.
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

  Rel 2.1: T200: UR-2 support seems like it is broken.
  Major defect discovered, coding error on my part.  Fixed.
  Coded R2.2 / tested

Feature Requests

  Rel 2.1:  Request to put an "Overwrite?" option to allow images to
be saved when one exists already.  Great idea!
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

  Rel 2.1:  All:  when switching RAMs, give option to re-save current
RAM or not.
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

  Rel 2.1:  M100: add quickmenu command to reNAME or KILL a file in
MENU.  T200:  add quickmenu command to NAME a file in MENU.
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

  Rel 2.1:  All:  Allow use to de-install the active ROM, leaving no
ROM active.  F6.
  Coded R2.2 / Tested

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