Apologies for the longish post, didn't have time to write a short one!

*TL;DR* I've been happily serial printing on my 100/102, but my 200 doesn't
work, so I'm in search of a non-hardware solution to tying DTS/RTS together
on a 200 to let it send RS-232 data.
I've been experimenting with RS232 printing on an Apple Imagewriter ii, and
I noticed that my 100's and 102 will print to it just fine, but my two
200's both just time out trying to print (by print I mean, save a text file
to "com:88n1enn". Same deal when just playing around in the terminal, it
gets a little buggy and I can't even quit without powering on and off, and
identical behavior on both otherwise healthy 200's.  What gives?

I dug around the m100 list archives, and there's this thread from 2015
that's very similar (also this one
this one
an old problem). So I hooked my 102 and 200 up to a scope and made a
little test harness to look around, and long story short, the 200 indeed
refuses to send any RS232 data unless RTS/CTS are tied together. This
doesn't seem to be the case for the 100 and 102, which will happily send
data out blind.

Digging through the Technical Reference Manual
the 200 does indeed have a different chip (82C51A) for handling serial IO,
and perhaps it is pickier about when it allows outbound traffic. The TRM
has what amounts to a decent data sheet on that chip, and this part caught
my eye (bottom of pdf page 98):

[image: image.png]
It seems like perhaps it's possible to fix this with software? Or, am I way
overthinking this whole thing, and there's another way to do it that's even
easier? I know I can just get a null modem cable, but it's kind of a bummer
to have to get all new cables to use a 200 with printers the 100/102
happily connected to.

Thanks for reading / any advice.

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