Define "messed up"?
Lots of partial programs that have spread themselves around the Hard Drive. New installs fail. It always crashes at shutdown.
2.1.7 can crash at shutdown, I always get the "volume removed" blue screen that I'm to lazy to fix, I think both are mentioned in the pcsetup 2.1.7 FAQ's.
As for the other problems, there are many cleanup tools you could try which may repair the damage and remove the rubbish. I'm a great fan of the registry beening the source of all evil, I use the following a bit when I notice wierdness....
Boot from floppy, no cd support. get to C prompt. cd Windows\command scanreg.exe /restore Choose a previous date and pray.
Also good for protection error faults. ;)
How'd it get that way?
I am not sure. Some of it is a build up of junk over time. Some of it is my own fault (I tried to treat it like a Mac and put programs on one virtual disk and data on another, it was always getting confused and eventually filled up one of the disks). Failed installs. The occasional crash.
Sounds like my fathers old P2, a 4gb primary drive and a 80gb secondary drive, guess where everthing got installed until it could take no more. Nortons Utilities does a fair job of fixing registry entries when you try to move a program in the same way you would on a mac as do some others.
I find that a small primary drive image, 150mb to hold the base windows install and the program files folder working with a larger seconary drive image holding installed programs and a swap file works well for me and I'm rather used to it as its the same for the doze boxes here. Programs get installed to D:\Games\, D:\Tools\ ect so its easy to change a installers default of C:\Program Files\ each time to a location I know.
It also allows the image to be used as D:\ in vpc or softwindows.
If you would like to save the hardfile I'd suggest trying a shareware app like system mechanic or Norton Utilities 2K for example after removing anything you dont wont with the Add/Remove control panel.
You may be able to find a TwoCows copy of NU with that will last longer than the standard demo and will install without the need to change the date as with the standard demo. ;) is not a warez site! its a ftp search engine, very useful for all platforms.
Telling windows to move the path for the "program files" folder may be a better solution. ;)
I hope something in that ramble is almost of use.
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