Brian Futrell wrote:
I don't have a root account either.  There is two user account on
this G3 AIO:  the default has admin capabilities, and the other one
is a test account to see what can be done with a standard account.

I do have some other programs not normally installed by most OS X
users, like Complete MySQL, Complete PHP, and Complete Apache2.
Other than those and MacJanitor, there isn't too much software on
this Mac.

Thanks for the reply.

I dont understand it then, Gretchen gets a standard error message when
trying to edit a file in /etc. File not found is pretty standard when
a user lacking permission tries to access a root owned system file.
(/etc is root owned in linux and unix, maybe admin owned in X?)

I tried editing the file without running sudo, and I got the
message  'can not open the file for writing'.  I've also tried it
with sudo to  allow access to the file, and it saves properly then.

Going by what you wrote above, you must have tried editing from the standard account which somehow allowed you to read but would have to sudo to save - odd. If you where in the admin account you should be able to read and I'd imagine write, if sudo was needed it would mean you have a root account. Root being the only thing you could sudo to?

Simply looking at the permissions for the folders /etc, /etc/cups and
/etc/cups/mime.types and /etc/cups/mime.convs and the checking that
the admin has the needed group permission would answer this otherwise
sudo is using root access thats not enabled on your mac?

Is it possible you have changed the admins account and added groups at
some stage earlier.

Like I said, I dont have a copy here and this is a mix of linux and

The command is: sudo pico mime.types
Just incase Gretchen forgot the sudo bit before writing this

And, I did type pico mime.types without the period. That was a typo in the email itself.

sudo allows for admin/root access for one task only. Do you not have a su command to run a session with these permissions?

A nix headache coming on. So does 10.3.3 work any better than 10.3?


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