On Dec 22, 2005, at 20:53, Jerry Yeager wrote:

> I seem to be able to pop right in (both via the 12.2xxxx and via  
> the rising.homedns.org address) to view your intro and follow-up  
> page with the appropriate showing of Edvard's "The Scream".

OK. This is more than I can do. Even with my wife's computer, I can  
neither see the web page nor use ssh.

> Do you think it will ever be returned to the museum for public  
> viewing?
> Are you using any kind of tracing to see where/how far your  
> original requests go before dropping out? (maybe the satan packages  
> will help with that).

No - I don't know how to do this. If I try using traceroute, all I  
get is the * of unknowing. As for the satan packages --- I found  
reference to them at CERT, and found the source at purdue, but I'm  
not sure what I would use it for once I went through making and  
configging and all that fun unix stuff. What would it be good for?

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