Several years ago there was a Million Man march in Washington DC. The coverage of this event was amazing, images still resonate in my mind of the vastness of a million people, aerial shots made you realize it was a number beyond understanding.....

Well, no wonder Apple had a bit of a problem last weekend, now add to the numbers below the vast crowd with the original iPhone trying to upgrade and purchase apps and you understand why Apple had the Kennedy Bridge rush hour on steroids.


Apple sells one million iPhone 3Gs in first weekend

On Sunday, Apple sold its one millionth iPhone 3G, the company announced today. “iPhone 3G had a stunning opening weekend,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “It took 74 days to sell the first one million original iPhones, so the new iPhone 3G is clearly off to a great start around the world.”

More than 10 million downloads from iPhone App Store in first weekend

During its first weekend, iPhone and iPod touch customers downloaded more than 10 million applications from the new App Store. The groundbreaking App Store now has more than 800 native applications, including over 200 offered for free and more than 90 percent available for less than $10.
The next Louisville Computer Society meeting will
be September 23 at MacAuthority, 128 Breckinridge Lane. 
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