Ken Williams wrote:
> I'm not totally sure of the "right" way to do it, actually - what I did 
> was to put the two files in /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/ , and 
> then fink found them and used them.  I'm not certain whether I had to 
> issue some special command to get them recognized there or not, though.

That's half of what's needed. The other half -- and it may already be 
available by default, I forget at the moment -- is to edit the Trees: 
line in /sw/etc/fink.conf so that local/main is part of your Fink path. 
My Trees line, for comparison, is (one line, not sure how this'll work):


Trees: local/crypto local/main unstable/crypto unstable/main 
untable/crypto stable/main


This will grab local changes ahead of experimental & stable stuff. All 
you have to do to install a hypothetical, hand-rolled or custom hacked 
package you've put in /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/ is to 
issue a standard "fink install test" command.

Chris Devers

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