On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 04:52:14PM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> I'm still using UFS for slash.  Adobe products (so called "carbonized"
> latest releases of things like Illustrator and so on) won't install.
> Durn.  Stupid Adobe.  "Compatible with OSX" on the box, but it isn't.

I don't know if you've tried this, yet, but I've gotten at least two
incompatible-with-UFS applications to work:  Mozilla (though it seems
like someone mentioned it works now?) and Palm Desktop.  Basically, I
symlinked certain key directories to directories I've made on my HFS+
partition, then installed the applications in an Applications folder on
the HFS+ partition.  Mozilla wasn't too hard, but Palm Desktop was a
serious pain.

David "Cogent" Hand 
<http://davidhand.com/> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <icq:4321282> 

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